Budweiser Goal Light

I prototyped the Budweiser Redlight. You’ve probably seen the ads, especially if you watched the olympic hockey coverage. Just in case you haven’t seen them, the Redlight is an internet connected device synced to the hockey game you’re watching. When your team scores a goal, the red goal light starts flashing . All stats are updated in real time over the internet. I became involved right at the point it had been decided the project would be impossible to do in the timeframe available. I told them I could get a prototype working in a weekend, and I did just that. We proceeded from there, and I designed multiple versions of it over the course of a few months. Ultimately, the final production of the units was outsourced due to the sheer volume required, but it was fulfilling to solve the main problems that were holding it back from becoming a real product such as how it would actually be synched to goals as no online service to do that actually existed and it taught me a lot about product design.